MAJ Foundation
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“To heal, encourage & sustain”
History of the MAJ Foundation
In 1991 when the Medical Association of Jamaica (MAJ) to celebrate its 25th Jubilee, the President of the MAJ, Dr. Lucien Jones together with the Executive looked for an enduring way to mark the celebration. After much discussion, the Executive had little difficulty in deciding that the best way to do this would be to set up an Educational and Charitable Trust in the name of the MAJ. It was felt that through this instrument:
- funds would be isolated from the general budget of the MAJ and used to relieve the distress of colleagues and their families when they found themselves in especially difficult circumstances
- to promote research with particular interest to the members of the MAJ, and
- to support educational activities for all members of the medical profession.
With the help of our lawyers, the documents were prepared and after lengthy negotiations with the government, the Medical Association of Jamaica Trust (The Trust) was registered in 1994. The initial fund raiser was the raffle of a trip for two for a Caribbean cruise. The then Treasurer and his assistant traveled the length and breathe of Jamaica visiting the offices of doctors from Negril point to Morant Bay. The results of their yeoman work was a seed-fund of over $500,000.

The Trust was launched in grand style in 1994 at the Medical Association of Jamaica Annual Awards Banquet. The distinguished guest speaker was Professor Dr. Mamphela Ramphele, Deputy Vice Chancellor, University of Cape Town in South Africa. On that memorable evening, Professor Ramphele congratulated the MAJ for launching the Medical Association of Jamaica Trust. She said,
“It offers you an opportunity to contribute to the development of a new professional ethos which goes beyond the individual, whilst fully acknowledging the importance and dignity of the individual person. You stand on the threshold of exciting possibilities. The metaphor of standing at the threshold is an important one to reflect on for a minute. You can look back with pride on your past achievements, but also forward and outwards with hope for a better tomorrow. The threshold is also safe space, because it is neither outside nor inside, one’s choices of where one’s next step is, are wide open.”
Her metaphor of the threshold was a very apt one as very few of us could have envisaged the difficulties that would ensue. These are now well behind us and the Directors are now hard at work to continue to raise funds so that when approached, meaningful contributions can be made by The Foundation.
MAJ Foundation Trust
Ready to support our efforts to help relieve the distress of colleagues and their families?
Meet the board
MAJ Foundation Board

Dr Alverston Bailey

Dr. Brian James

Dr. Aggrey Irons

Dr. Peggy Myers-Morgan

Dr. Fay Whitbourne

Mr. Wesley Carr

Mr. Basil Parker

Dr. Lambert Innis

Dr. Leslie Meade
Ex. Officio

Dr. Colin Abel
Ex. Officio

Dr. Leslie Meade
Ex. Officio

Dr. Colin Abel
Ex. Officio
Latest News
Greetings From MAJ Foundation Chairman
Colleagues, I bring you greetings from the Medical Association of Jamaica Foundation. The Foundation has had some significant achievements this …
Mr PresidentPast PresidentsMembers of CouncilColleagues and friendsI bring you greetings from the MAJ TrustLet me pause to congratulate the president …
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MAJ Foundation Trust
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Bank Transfer Details
Name: Medical Association of Jamaica
Bank: Sagicor Bank
Branch: Dominica Drive
Account Type: Current/ Chequing
Account #: 5500989361